About Us

OmniaServices > About Us

OmniaServices is an engineering company specialised in Industrial and Avionic applications. We can provide both turn key solution and custom development. Our skills range from FPGA design, to HW module design, Testing solution, Custom designs and SW services.

The products and services we provide have the most stringent quality control procedures and adhere to internal development process, we can also provide certification services (DO178 and DO254) in order to support our customer also for the most demandig applications.




Omnia was founded in 2005 in Spain, where its Head Office and Logistics Centre are located as a broker for a Spanish defence and technology group.



Expanded in Italy

Omnia expanded to Italy in 2008, becoming leader in management of old legacy products and components for the Aerospace & Defence Markets in which programs can last over the span of 40 years and need continued support and maintenance.



Omnia Group

Omnia has signed an industrial and commercial partnership with Circuiti Stampati and this gives Omnia group the chance to offer the following: rigid and flexi-rigid PCBs from 2 to 36 layers with micro-via, Copper Invar copper, carbon, and mixed materials. Metal Clad, Resistance Embedded, RF Microwave, Sculptured, Sequential Build Up, Antenne.


ISO 9001:2015


ISO/IEC 27001:2013